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Accreditation Forms

The following samples of forms may be of use to operators accredited under the NHVAS maintenance and mass management schemes. If the forms are useful please feel free to use them. However, also ensure that they are properly documented in your procedures. You may use these forms provided the forms retain our copyright.

Click on the highlighted headers when you place the curser over them to download the article. The following applications are required:

PDF Reader

Vehical Register

The register provides a means of recording all relevant information. It is essential that the form is kept current, adding vehicles as required and retaining vehicles removed from accreditation. Data must be retained for three years.  

Maintenance Management Annual Internal Review Report.

Use this form to summarise your own internal review (This is in addition to external compliance audits required by the accreditating agency).

Mass Management Annual Internal Review Report.

Use this form to summarise your own internal review (This is in addition to external compliance audits required by the accreditating agency).

We suggest that you do not act solely on the basis of the material contained in this site because the items herein are comments of a general nature only and may be liable to misinterpretation in a particular circumstance. Also changes to legislation and policy occur quickly. We therefore recommend that our advice be sought before acting on any of this information.