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The following articles have been written by TEAM consultants. They have been made available on this site for any one who would like to download a copy for their use. You may copy these articles and or send them to other people, all we ask for in return is that you copy or send the whole article and acknowledge the source, Transport Engineering and Management Pty Ltd web site  Click on the link to open and or download the article.

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Road Worthiness Standards

For a heavy vehicle to be considered roadworthy, it must comply with the regulations and rules that apply in every State and Territory that it is operated in. The article provides a practical solution on how to determine roadworthiness plus web links to the relevant standards. Issued 29 July 2003.

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New Vehicle Modification

Written by Wayne Checker, 2002.
Anyone employed in the commercial vehicle business will know that it is common practice to alter new vehicles before delivering them to the customer. It could be something as simple as the substitution of a seat belt or more involved such as a wheelbase alteration or the fitting of a lazy axle. Sometimes the changes are very complex and involve a number of alterations to convert the vehicle to the customers requirements For example a new ambulance would typically involve a van being refitted with different seats and seats belts, the installation of extra seating, changes to interior fittings and the fitting of additional external lighting.

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Higher Mass Limits

When operating under a Higher Mass Limit (HML) arrangement, it is generally a requirement that a copy of the authorising notice/permit and its associated maps be carried in the truck. The article provides the contact details for each road transport agency in Australia that approves the application of HML. Issued 31 July 2003

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Accreditation in Road Transport

With two horrific collisions in the minds of all Australians there was a strong national opinion that the safety, performance and image of road transport had to change for the better. Presented by Wayne Checker, Compliance Manager for Transport Engineering and Management Pty Ltd at the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport Christmas
Luncheon 5/12/2002.

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We suggest that you do not act solely on the basis of the material contained in this site because the items herein are comments of a general nature only and may be liable to misinterpretation in a particular circumstance. Also changes to legislation and policy occur quickly. We therefore recommend that our advice be sought before acting on any of this information.