Our accreditation services cover HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) for food safety, ISO 9000 quality management series, NHVAS (National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme), PACIA (Plastics and Chemicals Industries Association), WA Heavy Vehicle Accreditation and TruckSafe.
ADR (Australian Design Rule ) Compliance Approvals
We provide a consultancy service on ADR compliance issues for trucks and trailers.
Our auditing services cover HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) for food safety, ISO 9000 quality management series, NHVAS (National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme), PACIA (Plastics and Chemicals Industries Association), WA Heavy Vehicle Accreditation and TruckSafe.
Fleet Management
We provide a fleet management service for most transport and vehicle maintenance activities.
General Advisory Services
We can provide a general advisory service on many legal issues and or government policies.
Mass and Dimension Permits
Our list of services include preparation and submission of applications, route assessment and advice on other permit issues.
Modification Approvals
We can provide a design, construction and certification service for modified trucks and trailers throughout Australia.
Truck and Trailer Mass Upgrades
We provide an assessment and certification service for changes in a vehicle's application. For example a B Double prime mover being required for a Road Train application.